
Development History

Development History

  • Development History

  • 2014 - Now
         23 January 2014, the company was listed in Shenzhen stock market A-share (GEM) company
         Cloud platform product launched online, construction of a industrial network ecologic circle
         starting of the company internationalization strategy
         Leader of China smart grid informatization
         Awarded with Beijing industries technology center and national key new products certification
         Initial success of intellectual property construction
         Core technology system achieved
         Participation in 2008 Beijing Olympic games, Qinghai Tibet AC / DC link project and other key national projects  
         Completion of the share restructuration
         First company to propose and realize the concepts of "power grid full life cycle" and "power grid information integration"
         Founded in Beijing on 23 January 2000
Business Fields
Smart Grid New Energy Smart Transportation Electricity Sales Service Hydropower Environmental Protection Overseas Business Others
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