
Full Life Cycle Informatization Solutions

Full Life Cycle Informatization Solutions

With independent research and development of resource platform (FRP), Geographic resources platform (GRP) and enterprise integrated service platform (EISP), combing IOT technology with practice of the smart grid, Forever Technology provides full life cycle information solutions for the smart grid assets and business management.

FRP (Forever Resource Platform)?

Based on the high technology framework, FRP is using configuration and modularization format for the system plan and design. If there is change of demand, we are capable to restart configuration to upgrade the system rather than changing the system.

GRP (Geographic Resource Platform)

Based on the smart grid data model as core strength, this platform can be applied to Smart grid maintenance, grid management analysis, grid status monitoring, 2D or 3D demonstration, grid design and plan.

EISP (Enterprise Integrated Service Platform)?

Through EISP platform, it is convenient for gaining different system data and facilitating separate system data exchange and integration. Eventually it achieves integration of different information systems and data fusion.

Business Fields
Smart Grid New Energy Smart Transportation Electricity Sales Service Hydropower Environmental Protection Overseas Business Others
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