
Forever Technology Received Visit of Representatives from CZECH INVEST

Auther:D Source: Read:2082 Date:2016-06-19 04:32:22

On 15th June 2016, Tomas Vavrecka, director of the International Activities Division of CZECH INVEST and Koc Ondrej, director of Southeast Asia Division visit headquarter of Beijing Forever Technology in Beijing. The two parties intend to build connections and have better understanding of each other.


During the meeting, we introduce our business activities, cases, overseas layout and the directions we are heading to CZECH INVEST. CZECH INVEST in turn makes a presentation on Czech Republic’s geography, transport, investment climates and preferential policies. Then the two sides discuss the room of potential cooperation.


CZECH INVEST is affiliated with Ministry of Industry and Trade of Czech Republic. Its primary mission is to attract foreign investment and provide consulting services for foreign investors. Czech Republic boasts favorable geographic location and convenient transportation. The government attaches great importance to the development of energy and especially clean energy. Besides its ICT sector is well-developed and it is home to numerous ICT talents. Meanwhile, its government plans to invest heavily in infrastructure construction of ICT, which offers pro-business environment for potential foreign enterprises.?


As China’s leading enterprise in smart gird, Forever Technology is committed to the R&D of solutions of smart grid, offering high quality products and services to customers home and abroad. With overall internationalization goals in mind, it will implement smart grid information or clean energy projects in proper countries.


This meeting contributes to the mutual understanding and brings new opportunities for our company to enter Czech or central and eastern European markets. We will keep close contact with Czech Invest in the future. And with the latter’s help, we will have better understanding of Czech’s market and seek potential projects and partners.?


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