
Forever Technology 丨Safe Production Smart Cloud Platform officially launched

Auther: Source:恒華科技(英文站) Read:1116 Date:2019-02-15 10:45:14

In recent years, China's electrical fires have occurred frequently, causing heavy casualties and property losses. In response to the safety production requirements of various regions of the country, Beijing Forever Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as Forever Technology, 300365.SZ), the security production smart cloud platform V1.0 was officially released, The platform design conforms to the relevant technical requirements of the electrical safety dynamic monitoring system, and uses the Internet of Things technology to lay the foundation for the efficient implementation of safe power management.

The core functions of the platform mainly include monitoring processes, data collection, intelligent alarms, and data statistics.

Monitoring process

The platform adopts the Internet of Things technology to collect on-site safety data through various sensors and detectors. The data is transmitted to the data center through the network, and is displayed in various forms such as the Web platform, large screen, and APP through the analysis of the cloud platform. 24-hour real-time dynamic monitoring of building and corporate safety production data. To achieve transparent monitoring and management of user safety production, to control the health of the power system and production system anytime and anywhere.

Overall condition monitoring

It can monitor the safety status of multiple users at the same time, and find out the leakage, overload, short circuit, three-phase unbalance, over-voltage and temperature rise abnormality in the power line; the leakage of liquid and gas, abnormal temperature and abnormal pressure; Hidden dangers such as temperature, humidity, and smoke sensation in the surrounding environment. Inform the safety management personnel through various measures in various ways.

Sub-area status monitoring

Enterprise sub-regional management can be realized by uploading the enterprise floor plan, fine-grained partition management, and improved fault handling efficiency.

Equipment asset management

The monitoring equipment can be connected with the monitored electrical equipment, and the fault alarm can be accurately located to the specific equipment, and the safety assistant can quickly reach the fault scene and carry out equipment rectification in time.

Security personnel management

The person in charge of the monitoring area can be set up, the alarm object is clear, and the enterprise equipment safety operation management can be improved.

data collection

The platform is compatible with a variety of communication protocols, and the monitoring acquisition device can basically reach full coverage, and can monitor real-time multi-dimensional data such as voltage, current, power, power factor, leakage current, temperature, humidity, smoke, and switch status.

Intelligent alarm

The platform adopts a variety of alarm push methods to timely inform the user of alarm information, such as alarm time, alarm location, and cause of failure, to shorten the fault response time and improve the efficiency of fault prevention.

Statistical Analysis

In addition to providing real-time data reading, historical data query and other data collection functions, the platform provides multiple statistical analysis modules for fault occurrence and processing, such as the proportion of fault causes, the number of alarms, the progress of fault processing, and the trend of alarm times. The analysis report identifies potential safety hazards in a timely manner and takes timely measures to truly help the company achieve the goal of reducing the number of failures.

mobile application

Manage the real-time monitoring data, historical alarm information, and monitoring the safe running status of the enterprise through the mobile application.

Summary: the intelligent production safety cloud platform of Forever Technology helps enterprises to realize the integrated management of production safety from the macroscopic whole to the equipment positioning, from equipment monitoring to fault treatment through the Internet of things technology, to guide the development of hidden dangers, and to achieve efficient and safe management of enterprises.


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