
Forever Technology participated in the establishment of Xiong'an City Generation and Development Research Institute

Auther: Source:恒華科技(英文站) Read:1134 Date:2019-02-15 10:36:29

On September 7, 2018, the signing ceremony of the cooperation for Xiong'an City Production and Development Research Institute was successfully held in Xiong'an New District Power Supply Company.

Beijing Forever Technology Co., Ltd. signed the "Framework Agreement for the Establishment of the Xiong'an City Generation and Development Research Institute" with China Building Science Research Institute Co., Ltd., State Grid Hebei Electric Power Co., Ltd. Xiong'an New District Power Supply Company, Shenzhen DreamWorks City Innovation Research Institute, Ant Jinfu Xiong'an Digital Technology Co., Ltd., Hebei Xiong'an New District Tencent Computer Systems Co., Ltd. and Beijing Earth Home Education Technology Co., Ltd. , and plans to cooperate to prepare for the establishment of the Xiong'an City Generation and Development Research Institute.

Xiong'an city generation and development research institute is a non-profit research institution jointly initiated by the above enterprises to better serve and build new areas. As a "think tank" of Xiong'an, Xiong'an city generation and development research institute will carry out continuous research and practice on the new situation and problems encountered in the urban generation and development of Xiong'an new area, and provide advice and suggestions for the construction and development of Xiong'an new area.


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