
Forever technology won the 2018 science and technology innovation outstanding unit award of Chinese society of surveying and mapping

Auther: Source:恒華科技(英文站) Read:1169 Date:2019-02-15 10:09:10

On September 27th, the 2018 Academic Annual Meeting of the China Society of Surveying and Mapping, with the theme of Innovative Intelligence Integration Opening up a New Era of Surveying and Mapping Geographic Information, was held in Deqing Geographic Information Town, Zhejiang province. Vice minister of natural resources Kurexi Mehesuti, executive vice governor of zhejiang province Feng Fei and President of Chinese society of surveying and mapping Song Chaozhi attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Academicians Chen Junyong, Li Deren, Liu Xianlin, Wang Jiayao, Yang Yuanxi, Li Jiancheng, Gong Jianya and Zhou Chenghu, as well as nearly 4,000 representatives from national surveying and mapping geographic information societies, relevant universities and colleges, scientific research institutions, enterprises and institutions attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the award of the 2018 surveying and mapping science and technology award was presented. Forever Technology won the "2018 scientific and technological innovation outstanding unit award" for its scientific and technological innovation in the field of surveying and mapping geographic information. The award aims to practice the innovation-driven development strategy and commend the outstanding achievements of enterprises in technological innovation.

In addition, at the 8th China Surveying and Mapping Geographic Information Technology Equipment Expo, Forever Technology as an exhibitor demonstrated its products and services such as electric + platform, integrated energy service solutions, intelligent transportation solutions, and so on, which received the eager attention of the audience.


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