
Forever Technology was selected as one of the top 100 enterprises in Beijing Software and Information Service Industry

Auther: Source:恒華科技(英文站) Read:1352 Date:2019-02-14 01:24:44

On November 28, the second meeting of the ninth session of Beijing software and information service industry association was held in Beijing new century Nikko hotel. At the event site, the Beijing software and information services association released the report on the top 100 comprehensive strength of Beijing software and information service industry in 2018. And Beijing Forever Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as: Forever Tech 300365.SZ) was successfully selected as one of it by virtue of its indicators in terms of enterprise scale, efficiency and R&D innovation.

According to the evaluation rules of fortune "fortune global 500" and Forbes "global 2000", and based on the data and public materials submitted by member enterprises, three related indicators including revenue (40%), profit (30%) and r&d investment (30%) were selected for quantitative calculation, and finally determined after expert evaluation. The top 100 report focuses on the outstanding enterprises with large business scale, good benefits and strong independent innovation ability in the industry of Beijing, aiming to cultivate the excellent brand of Beijing software information service industry through this activity, and guide enterprises to constantly standardize and optimize the development model by virtue of the demonstration effect of "top 100 enterprises", so as to promote the software and information service industry of Beijing to become bigger and stronger.


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