
FOREVER Technology Participated in CIGEE

Auther:D Source: Read:2048 Date:2015-06-19 12:14:36

The biggest exhibition of smart grid in Asia, CIGEE, was held in National Convention Center from 15th to 17th, June, 2015. The theme of CIGEE this year is promoting creative development of smart grid and establishing new energy internet of modern society, and advanced technology and equipment of smart grid field were displayed in the exhibition.


FOREVER Technology participated in CIGEE this year, focusing on showing its technology accumulation and research results of years. Based on FOREVER Technology’s three core technologies with independent intellectual property rights, including Forever Resource Platform (FRP), Graphic Resource Platform (GRP) and “Enterprise Integrated Service Platform (EISP); for the full life cycle (planning and design, infrastructure management, operation maintenance and marketing management etc.) of smart power grid assets and business management, it provides integrated informatization solutions. Series products and services can not only provide horizontal integration service for grid system in independent regions, but also can provide vertical integration software systems and services for integration management among companies at all levels for individual business, so as to further supply a complete business platform for final establishment of grid information integration with “horizontal integration" and "vertical cut-through" for smart power grid, which satisfies all kinds of needs for management of assets and business of every level of grid company. Meanwhile, Beijing DaoPower Inc., a holding subsidiary of FOREVER Technology, also displayed its serial products of overhead transmission line design field.


2015 is the 15th year since FOREVER Technology founded, with the rapid development of FOREVER Technology in smart grid field this few years, FOREVER Technology has gradually become the leading enterprise of China smart grid informatization, leader of information integration construction for power grid assets full life cycle and excellent provider of smart energy industry technical solutions and service. In the future, FOREVER Technology will keep its corporation concept “FOREVER Technology, Perfection from Profession”, follow the guide of market, continue making creative progress with its outstanding ability of information technology and service, respond to new policies of national electricity reform actively, and provide better service for national smart grid construction and customers.


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