
Forever Technology Ranked "China's Top 100 Enterprises in Geographic Information Industry 2016"

Auther:D Source: Read:7098 Date:2016-11-05 01:01:10

China Geographic Information Industry Conference 2016 on the subject of “Innovation, Transformation, Integration and Development” was held in Changsha, Hunan from October 31 to November 2. One hundred enterprises in the geographic information industry were honored during the conference. Forever Technology with strong comprehensive strength is ranked “China’s Top 100 Enterprises in Geographic Information Industry 2016”.

The conference is hosted by China Geographic Information Industry Association and undertaken by Tianxin District Central Committee of Changsha, Tianxin Local Government of Changsha and Hunan Geographic Information Industry Park.

Luo Fuhe, vice chairman of CPPCC, Ku Rexi Maihe Suti, Director of the National Geographic Information Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, Deputy Director of National Geographic Bureau, Song Chaozhi, Chief Consultant of China Geographic Information Industry Association, Chen Xiangqun, Standing Committee of Hunan Provincial Committee & Executive Vice Governor and other leaders attended the meeting and delivered speeches respectively.?

In China's geographic information industry production exhibition held in conjunction, Forever Technology showcases its overall business development with special attention paid to the geographical information and energy Internet products and services.

Among them, our self-developed “Power +” platform is a professional power industry crowd-sourcing service trading platform accessible to electricity companies, power grid project owners, survey and design team, construction companies, software suppliers, data providers, equipment and material suppliers and crowd-sourcing users, to provide business consulting, investment and financing, enterprise information, marketing of electricity selling, grid network plan and design, engineering construction, grid network inspection, software crowd-sourcing, data value-added, equipment and materials procurement, industry information, tender agents and other related services. Through cloud services to bring industry users and service providers together to quickly connect the industry chain supply and demand sides to achieve efficient matching of resources within the industry and through the accumulation of resources to provide integrated services for distribution and electric company to build multi-win ecosphere based on the Internet model.?


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Business Fields
Smart Grid New Energy Smart Transportation Electricity Sales Service Hydropower Environmental Protection Overseas Business Others
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